The hit Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” has put the spotlight on the KonMari organization method. This extremely popular show is entertaining, helpful and ULTRA inspiring. This month we want to share this revolutionary organization method with you!

This technique asks the simple question; does this spark joy? The Idea is to only keep items that bring joy and value to your life. By holding each item one by one you will have a greater sense of what you really need and what makes you happy.
KonMari Method
With the KonMari method you will organize your home by category. First you will start with clothes, then books, papers, and miscellaneous items. Lastly, you tackle sentimental items you have an emotional connection to. Whichever the category, you take every item that fits that category in your home, pile them all together so you can see everything at once, then pick up each item one by one, asking yourself does this spark joy?

Happy Tidying!
Check out the links below for help tips from Marie Kondo. Happy tidying!
Folding Basics: http://
10 helpful tips from Marie

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